The Punjab Heritage and Education Foundation was organized and registered by combining the Quality Education Foundation and Heritage part of Environment and Heritage society in 2001. Environment society continued to function along with it as I was the President of both the organizations.
As a founder member of INTACH and Convener of Punjab State and Amritsar chapter I worked for the identification and restoration of Punjab and Amritsar Heritage up to 1990. It’s Heritage and cultural activities also became part of the Foundation. The Foundation planned its activities on the basis of our aims and objectives as given in our memorandum associations which are given below:
Memorandum of Association:
A. To create awareness of the need and importance to identify and preserve natural and historical heritage of Punjab with a view to develop a feeling of love and pride for Punjabi identity, Punjabi language, culture as part of our great growing Indian nation combining diversity into unity.
B. Make efforts to encourage study and research for the better understanding of our sociocultural heritage of which we are the inheritors through our long struggle against foreign invaders and imperialists during our march towards ultimate freedom.
C. To make a survey of our holy places, forts, gardens, heritage buildings, trees and sites for their proper identification and conservation.
D. to make efforts to organize heritage education and study groups through memorial lectures at various places in Punjab or outside for encouraging local initiative and action and link the heritage projects with local needs and welfare.
E. To make efforts to raise funds to establish a permanent trust fund to generate perpetual income for preservation of heritage and fulfill the objectives of the foundation.
F. To make efforts to put up permanent plaques in schools. Colleges and other permanent places, showing the names and addresses of our great martyrs, freedom fighters and national heroes belonging to the area concerned.
G. To establish heritage parks, museums, libraries and educational institutions to perpetuate the memory of our heroes, poets, artists and martyrs.
H. To publish literature including books, journals, arrange seminars, conferences, workshops and institute awards, medals, prizes and scholarships.
I. To do all such other acts, things as are incidental or as the Executive Council may think necessary and conducive for the attainment of the aims and objectives of the foundation including acceptance of grants, gifts, and donations from all sources and persons who wish to help the cause. The foundation may have collaboration with any organization / individual for the cause of Heritage and Education.
J. To take measures to inculcate the national spirit by joint projects all over India/ aboard to correlate our heritage with human heritage as a whole.
K. The Foundation shall be charitable and non-profit organization without any discrimination of caste, color or creed. All the Earnings including fees, fund income or property owned by the foundation shall be used only for the fulfillment of aims and objectives of the foundation. No member/ office bearer shall have any claim whatsoever for any remuneration.